Seat Reservations

Reservations can be made one week before the desired date. A u:account is required to book a ticket. If you do not have a u:account, or if your library is not listed here, please contact the respective library by e-mail or telephone.

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Journalism, Communications and Informatics Library - Group work space

Eine Person bucht für die jeweilige Lerngruppe (max. 6 Personen). Die Verantwortung für den Raum trägt die buchende Person. Garderobenpflicht ist für alle Anwesenden.

Advance booking for this location is already closed.

Where does the event happen? Währinger Straße 29
1090 Wien

When does the event happen?
Begin: Your local time: 09:00
End: Your local time: 12:00
Admission: Your local time: 09:00
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Group work space

1 currently available
